Our first West End Show - Chicago
Our first London show – well if you don’t count the Vegemite Tales. I really enjoyed the movie and absolutely loved the show. Hayley and Kirk organised the whole thing for a group of us to go so all we had to do was show up. Otherwise I probably wouldn’t be writing about the experiences of our first show for a few months time. My initial efforts to see Martin Henderson and Juliette Lewis’ show ‘Fools in Love’ ended in me taking too long so all the tickets were gone.
The first half with the famous songs ‘He had it coming’ ‘All that Jazz’ and ‘Jailhouse Tango’ was my favourite. We were in the 3rd row so got to see everything in detail from the sweat spraying off the guys doing their spins to the tiny hole in one of the chorus girls fishnets.

The choreography and dancing was great although in the break Kirk commented on how he noticed some of the males weren’t exactly synchronised in their moves and after he pointed it out I did notice it in the next song. The singing was also great and surprised me how they could all jump around on stage with so much vigour yet sing tunefully without puffing. Warren was surprised to see how big some of the men in the chorus were. All of them were muscley but 2 of them were stocky enough to be props or locks yet still danced with poise and grace.
The 2 leads were great – Roxy was a shorter quite solid lady possibly in her 40s. She was not really what I was expecting but was great and had good theatrical expressions. Warren described her as goofy but I think it was in keeping with her character.
The only disappointing thing for me was that my expectation of seeing some tap dancing went unfulfilled. I’m sure Richard Gere did tap in the movie…
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