New York - The Good, Bad and Weird
1 = Restaurants where the staff actually smiled and were friendly

2= Crazy people seen ranting to themselves (quite impressed as thought it would be a lot higherthan this. NY definitely seems a lot more sane than San Francisco)
3= Homeless people who came onto our carriage on the subway begging
4=Blisters on feet after walking up and down the streets of Manhattan in a pair of heels in search of the Taj Salsa club.
5=Honks of horns in any 10 second period
6= Hot dogs eaten from street vendors before getting food poisoning
12=Nights spent in NY
35=Temperature on 4th July
53 ¾=Number of American Hot dogs eaten by the winner of the national hot dog eating comp
86=Floors to the viewing platform of the Empire State Building
688= Photos I took in NY
3056= Kilojoules in a Cinnabon (the most delicious cinnamon roll ever!)
New York – The Good, the Bad and the Weird
The Good
- Fresh out of the oven raspberry filled Krispy Kreme Donuts. Mmmmmm
- Devils Food Cheesecake at Juniors – layers of chocolate mousse, chocolate cake and cheesecake
- Cinnamon and sugar dusted Pretzels
- Never going hungry – you can’t take more than 10 steps without hitting a hotdog/pretzel vendor
- Giving out free samples at the Food Courts. A few circuits and you don’t need lunch anymore!
- Wearing shorts and singlets in the middle of June
- Being surrounded by tall buildings with concrete in every direction but still being able to chill under a tree in a nearby park
- Strangers. Rich and poor, black and white; coming together to enjoy a game of chess in a
- Entertainment everywhere – gymnasts, breakdancers, musicians…or even just watching people
- Lots of street cleaners (both the vehicles with the sweepers on the side and people with the rubbish-picking up sticks) meant the streets were generally clean and the odour of stale urine, vomit and alcohol wasn’t nearly as pungent as in San Francisco
- Stomp – awesome show, shame you had to be under 5ft tall to fit in the theatre seats
The Bad
- Paying for trolleys at the airport – Welcome to America – either struggle through the
airport laden down with 92kg of luggage plus a laptop and camera bag or hand over your money for a trolley
- Security and bag checks everywhere from going to a Museum to getting on a Ferry
- Waiting in a que for everything from using a toilet to buying a pretzel. I became the master of ‘holding on’ when seeing the length of the queues to use the women’s bathrooms.
- The worst customer service you will ever receive
- Having to phone the Mexican Takeaways 3 times before they understand you enough to take your order – then when it comes it’s still wrong!
- Constant honking and sirens. There mustn’t be more than 3 seconds between the sounds of an irate taxi driver warning pedestrians to move or become road kill
- Going out for dinner at 11.30pm and still having to wait 20 minutes for a table.
- The button popping on your shorts after scoffing too many hot dogs, donuts and pretzels.
- Waiting 2 hours in a queue at Central Park for Macbeth tickets, only to miss out by 4
people (see photo to right)
- Getting an arm caught in subway door. Fortunately they aren’t as vicious as the Underground so I got away with minor bruising rather than losing a limb
- Chinese obscenities being hurled at me after having my camera pointed in the direction of an old Chinese lady rummaging through rubbish bins collecting aluminium cans. (Warren thought she put a curse on me- but I’m still here so it must’ve been a mild one)
The Weird
- 6 seater bikes, not in one big line but in a circle. And driving on the road
(see photo)
- Chinese people running a Mexican Fastfood joint- and it actually tasted really good. Maybe that’s stereotypical of me but I kinda expected Chinese people to run the Chinese Takeaways and Mexican people to run the Mexican Takeaways.
- Crossing the road. It may have painted white stripes on it which you would think is a pedestrian crossing but step onto one of these and you will be flattened by a taxi in seconds.
- Being the minority race and not being able to understand the language being spoken (as was the case in Chinatown, Coney Island and many of the subways in Brooklyn)
- Watching a guy weave in and out of traffic on Time’s Square on rollerblades without so much as a knee pad. The man obviously had a death wish
- Security guards in clothing and shoe shops. They don’t like it much when you ask them if this sandal comes in brown either
- Guys with guns guarding banks and national parks
- A clothes store with no changing rooms (the ultimate in inconvenience yet the shop was still crowded)
- The toilets. Flushing means the contents (which are much bigger than in NZ) are whirled around and around 5 or 6 times then the entire bowl is completely emptied. After a few seconds, water then squirts in from the bottom of the bowl and fills it up again. I even saw a toilet that when you pressed a button, plastic toilet seat liner emerged and covered the seat.
- An shabby looking 70 year old guy packing your groceries at ‘Metfoods’ for tips
- American flags everywhere. We get it America, you love your country, we don’t need to see the star spangled banner on every corner to be reminded of this
- Having to stand on one spot and tip your head back as far as it will go in order to see the top of a building
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I can't believe cinnabons are over 3000 KJ. That's off the charts on my weight watchers thingy that works out the points of everything. But my mouth was still definately watering, especially when you mentioned the Devils Food Cheesecake. Oh my gosh! I can't think of anything more yummy. And of course can't get enough of those Krispy Kremes. YUMMY! I'm so jealous.
Funny as! Keep the updates coming :)
Man although I love New Zealand, your adventures have surely got me getting itchy feet. Keep posting your Blogs guys, they make for interesting reading of how the other quarter of the world lives and the pics are superb.
Take care
Petelo & Gill
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