The next stopover on our trip was to the city of Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love. On the way we had lunch in Annapolis, a pretty sea-side city in Maryland. This place was pretty cool and you can see the British influence in the streets and buildings. (Not that I've been to Britian yet, but I'm guessing it might look something like this). Here’s a photo of me on Easy Street. The city is also known for it's crabs and one place was doing an all you can eat crab buffet for lunch which I think Warren was tempted by.

Philadelphia is one of the oldest cities in the US the architecture and history in the city is amazing. Over the day and half we were there we saw many historical sites such as the Liberty

Bell and the first Congress building (where George Washington and John Adams were made the 2 first Presidents of the US).
However, the things that first came to our minds when we drove into Philly was Rocky and the Fresh Prince of Bel Air. We drove past the building where Rocky ran up the stairs as part of his training so we got the video camera out and were all set to re-enact the scene but the tour bus just drove on past :-(

From Fresh Prince I learnt about Philly Cheesesteaks and had to have an authentic one. We walked all around the city looking for one and after a couple of hours found a small diner that served them. It was worth the wait as it was so delicious. I loved it so much that I got another one for breakfast the next morning from a street vendor. Louise took a photo of this which must have looked a little strange as a guy came and asked her if she was a journalist.

One thing we noticed about Phily was the number of African Americans. They are just like watching an episode of Ricky Lake – fingers pointing and necks swaying with their animated speech “whatttsup daaawg”. Very entertaining but I guess I should be careful not to stare!
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